Grateful Attitude.....What are you grateful for?

Good Evening, Everyone!!! I hope you’ve had a wonderful day and have had some time with your families this evening. I had a good day with my family. My son and I had some fun during the day. You might think how? Don’t they have school?? Yes, he does have school. He’s currently out on excuses absence due to surgery. He will be returning soon. 

I promised you that I would keep the attitude of gratitude going. I am not sure when I will take a break from it. Here is yesterday’s and today’s. 


Grateful for...

1. Being given opportunity to teach.
2. Quiet morning to spend in the Word.
3. Rock out times with Bev-co-conspirator hehe great times!!!
4. Good family time.
5. Take an idea->to design->to cut->display,gift, pay forward, something to enjoy.


Grateful for...

1. God placing Godly friends in my life and the friendships blooming! Feeling like we’ve been friends for a lifetime. 

2. Great Open House last night. Many great comments about Robbie;many well wishes & messages. One had two opportunities for him that he’d be head of; a club and another group opportunity. 

3. The teachers. Not only are they great with the students, but they work as a team and make connecting with them easy for students and parents. 

4. Nice crisp morning. Reminds me of the crisp mornings at camp on the river (1,000 islands). The mornings reading my Bible enjoying quiet time with God and watching the river. The coffee time with my Dad before he passed-great memories!

5. Surprise blessings that come out of nowhere and continue to surprise us through the night and morning!

Have a great day Moms!!