Mom's Heavy Heart

Happy Sunday Everyone!!! Hope you're having a great day! We are snowed in here in Upstate New York.

I have been sitting here thinking about all that has happened recently in my life and how much things will be changing in the next few weeks. As I have mentioned before that I have a bone disease. The levels are not where they ought to be. My bones are breaking down faster than they should, tendons are inflamed and tearing. Now, I face infusions to try and turn this around.

I know who can turn this around. God can turn this around. He could do a "snap" of the fingers and things are fine. This is not the path that He has chosen for me. No, the path that He's chosen for me is a slow path. I may not like His choice, but I will be faithful and lean into Him and press into Him for comfort. I need to learn to listen, be alert to His direction in the days ahead how I learn to deal with this.

This has been heavy in my heart not just for my husband, but our son. He and I both deal with the same bone disease. I see his fear when he looks at me and doesn't know how to process what is going on with me. I know he thinks this can happen to him. I remind him our ages are different and also he's just starting out in this bone disease. He's been treated from when he was younger, yet with me, it wasn't found until I was much older. Talking to your child about something like this is really hard. Never do we want to talk to our children about things like this, but we have to remember God has been preparing us and them when we do come together to talk to each other. 

Have a great day Moms!!