Greetings, Moms!!! I hope you’ve had a wonderful day today. Were you able to do anything special or fun with your family? I have been taking special care of our son as he had surgery on Monday . The surgery was successful; the pins and tension wire were removed from his elbow. He’s very resilient in that the first day out he says, “Mama, look!! I can turn my wrist full rotation out!! “ I was greatly excited to see this as this has been a limitation due to the hardware being in the elbow. I just wanted to open this up casually before getting to the challenge. I didn’t want to leave you hanging for too long.
Now for our challenge to think about. I am part of a Mom’s Connect Group in our church. We read through books to study. We will sometimes do a devotional study as we are now. The current study that we are doing is “Grouchy to Great: Finding Joy In The Journey Of Motherhood.” The challenge that was presented to us was to write five things we are grateful for. We are to do this for the next five days. While this activity may end in our group; I choose to keep it going and will continue in my journal. I find that this activity really puts a different perspective on how you decide to open your day. Maybe you had interrupted sleep. I for example last night and the last few weeks have been up several times in the night due to pain in my back. I could have chosen to complain about it, but I haven’t. I in fact have been putting things up with friends “Thank you Lord for the middle of the night wake up. What do You have planned for us these wee hours??” I will now post for you my five things that I have been grateful for since the start of this activity.
I am grateful for...
1. Family; whether we agree or not we will come around one another.
2. Special friends that are there for you in good times and difficult times, but that I too can be there for them.
3. Small Group-Mom’s Connect-friendships made and reconnected.
4. Pastor who cares for us in the church and those who are not that we mention for prayer. My church family.
5. God bringing people into my life and opening doors to opportunities that I never saw coming. I am excited to see what God has in store for these opportunities.
Grateful for....
1. Successful surgery for our son. Great surgeon, caring team. Huge Praise! First day out FULL ROTATION OF THE WRIST!!! The hardware and tension wire prevented him from having full range of motion.
2. His friend called just to check on him. The encouragement that came from the phone call. We were all blessed. The support of others praying and checking on him — grateful!! My friend Bev, my co-conspirator who spent the day with us at the hospital-beyond blessed!!
3. My husband, his service to our country, a Veteran, provider for our family. That he’s able to allow himself vulnerable to express how great love between us.
4. God’s Word, able to read it daily; grow from the reading and able to apply to my life.
5. For being able to change perspective on things in my life that otherwise could be negative. I put a perspective of positivity on it instead. This also has become an area of ministry as I was able to minister to someone at the hospital during our son’s surgery.
Grateful for....
1. God’s Amazing Grace!
2. The Lord is my Shepherd wherever He leads I’ll go.
3. Beautiful warm sunny day.
4. Middle of the night wake up times.
5. When plans don’t seem to fall into place-God puts them into place in His time.
I hope to hear some of the things you’re grateful for. I pray that you will be able to see the good and not let circumstances steal your Joy, but that you’ll be able to keep your Joy!
Have a great day Moms!!
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